Project Details
Client Johannesburg Water
Location City of Johannesburg, Gauteng
Project Value R150 million
Completed 2009
Bushkoppie Wastewater Treatment Works Digesters

Project Description
Currently the Bushkoppie WwTW has no on-site sludge stabilisation and sludge handling facility. The fermented primary sludge and thickened WAS is pumped to Goudkoppies and Olifantsvlei WwTW respectively. A new sludge handling and stabilisation facility at Bushkoppie WwTW is seen as the solution to the ongoing reliability and maintenance problems experienced on the sludge pipelines to the other WwTW.
Scope of Services
The scope of the project includes project and contract management, process engineering, geotechnical, civil, structural, hydraulic engineering, mechanical, control and instrumentation.
The main features of the new sludge handling facility comprise:
- New sludge sump balancing the hourly variation in sludge production
- Pre-thickening by means of Gravity Belt Thickeners (GBT’s)
- High performance Anaerobic digestion
- Sludge de-watering by means of Belt Filter Presses
- Drying of the sludge on sludge drying beds.
- Sludge Liquor treatment
Special Features and Challenges
The stabilised sludge quality has to meet the requirements of the Sludge Guidelines of South Africa in terms of microbiological quality, stability and chemical quality.