Bus Rapid Transport

Project Description

The City of Johannesburg implemented its Bus Rapid Transit System to improve its Public Transport Systems and facilities throughout the city. The Johannesburg Development Agency was appointed the Implementing Agent for the city. The BRT system is design to provide safe, reliable, predictable and affordable public transport, to encourage the use of public transport facilities.

Project Details

Client Johannesburg Development Agency
Location Riverlea, Johannesburg Gauteng
Project Value R160 million

Project Description

Currently the Bushkoppie WwTW has no on-site sludge stabilisation and sludge handling facility. The fermented primary sludge and thickened WAS is pumped to Goudkoppies and Olifantsvlei WwTW respectively.

Project Details

Client Johannesburg Water
Location City of Johannesburg, Gauteng
Project Value R150 million
Completed 2009

Bushkoppie Wastewater Treatment Works Digesters

Expansion of Driefontein WwTW

Project Description

The Driefontein Wastewater Treatment Works is operated by Johannesburg Water, and services the northern suburbs of Roodepoort, Muldersdrift, Mogale and Rietfontein.

Project Details

Client Johannesburg Water
Location City of Johannesburg, Gauteng
Project Value R220 million
Completed 2013

Project Description

The 30Mℓ/d upgrade of the Sunderland Ridge WWTW Activated Sludge Treatment Plant

Project Details

Client City of Tshwane
Location Centurion, Gauteng
Project Value R200 million
Completed March 2015

Upgrade of Sunderland Ridge Wastewater Treatment Works

Majuba Rail Resettlement Project

Project Description

A new railway line was to be constructed by Eskom to its Majuba Power Station, located outside Amersfoort in the Mpumalanga Province. The railway line traversed several inhabited properties within its servitude. Eskom engaged in negotiations, via their consultants, with three of these families that were identified to be relocated from two separate sites to an Eskom owned farm outside Amersfoort.

Project Details

Client Eskom, Majuba Power Station
Location Amersfoort, Mpumalanga
Project Value R10 million
Completed August 2013

Project Description

Zitholele Consulting was appointed as consultant for the JW Biogas to Energy Project. This project will provide biogas scrubbing and combined heat and power (CHP) installations on five of JW’s wastewater treatment works

Project Details

Client City of Tshwane
Location City of Johannesburg, Gauteng
Project Value R300 million
Completed Current

Biogas to Electrical Energy

Pikitup Depot, Orange Farm

Project Description

Pikitup Johannesburg (Pty) Limited was established in 2001 as an independent municipal entity, wholly owned by the City of Johannesburg to serve and provide waste management services in the Greater Johannesburg area.

Project Details

Client Pikitup Johannesburg
Location Orange Farm, Gauteng
Project Value R40 million
Completed Dec 2012

Project Description

In the build-up to the 2010 FIFA soccer World Cup, the Soshanguve Giant Stadium was identified as a training venue, and one that needed to be upgraded to FIFA standards.

Project Details

Client City of Tshwane
Location Soshanguve, Pretoria, Gauteng
Project Value R320 million
Completed 2011

Soshanguve Stadium

Upgrading of Loftus Versveld Stadium

Project Description

The project entails the upgrading of the existing stadium in preparation for the 2010 Soccer World
Cup, which included the construction of a new structural steel roof over the eastern pavillion,
additions and alterations to the stadium (reinforced concrete and structural steel), new retaining
walls and an emergency vehicle access road.

Project Details

Client City of Tshwane
Location Tshwane, Gauteng
Project Value R25 million
Completed 2010

Project Description

The existing earth embankment on the Vaal River along Engine Room 1 at Zuikerbosch Pumping Station was gradually “slipping” towards the river.

Project Details

Client Rand Water
Location Vereeniging, Gauteng
Project Value R31 million
Completed 2009

Zuikerbosch Pumping Station Engine Room 1 Embankment Stabilisation